Saturday 5 January 2013

Underwater City Predates History

Discovery in Bay of Cambay Will Force
Western Archaeologists to Rewrite History
4500-year-old HarappanThe civilization of Ancient Egypt occurred in a past so remote that today it seems mystical. The pyramids and other temples, with their hieroglyphics depicting a flourishing civilization, have a mysterious, almost magical appeal. It seems inconceivable that people of an advanced society could have walked those ancient streets.

Now, it was announced in January, a civilization has been uncovered that would have appeared just as ancient to the people who built the pyramids as the pyramids seem to us.

According to marine scientists in India, archaeological remains of this lost city have been discovered 36 metres (120 feet) underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India. And carbon dating says that they are 9,500 years old.

This news completely contradicts the position of most Western historians and archaeologists, who (because it did not fit their theories) have always rejected, ignored, or suppressed evidence of an older view of mankind's existence on planet Earth. Human civilization is now provably much more ancient than many have believed.

According to the BBC's Tom Housden, reporting on the Cambay find:

map showing siteThe vast city — which is five miles long and two miles wide — is believed to predate the oldest known remains in the subcontinent by more than 5,000 years.

The site was discovered by chance last year by oceanographers from India's National Institute of Ocean Technology, who were conducting a survey of pollution.

Using sidescan sonar, which sends a beam of sound waves down to the bottom of the ocean, they identified huge geometrical structures at a depth of 120 feet.

Debris recovered from the site — including construction material, pottery, sections of walls, beads, sculpture, and human bones and teeth — has been carbon dated and found to be nearly 9,500 years old (BBC article).

Several reports confirm this estimate. Housden added, "The whole model of the origins of civilisation will have to be remade from scratch."

Unheard-of Scope of Cambay Ruins

The BBC article tells us that the remains of this ancient city stand upon "enormous foundations." Marine archaeologists discovered them with a technology known as "sub-bottom profiling."

Author and filmmaker Graham Hancock, an authority on archaeological investigations of ancient civilizations, reportedly said that the evidence was compelling. For example, he said that the oceanographers had found two large blocks that were larger than anything that's ever been found. "Cities on this scale," Hancock told BBC Online, "are not known in the archaeological record until roughly 4,500 years ago when the first big cities begin to appear in Mesopotamia.

Theorists are postulating that the area where this city exists was submerged when the ice caps melted at the end of the last Ice Age.

"A month ago in mid-January [2002]," says Hancock on his website, "marine scientists in India announced they had sonar images of square and rectangular shapes about 130 feet down off the northwestern coast of India in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay). . . . [There are] sonar shapes with 90-degree angles. The Indian Minister of Science and Technology ordered that the site be dredged. What was found has surprised archaeologists around the world" (

The Find Includes Human Remains

Linda Moulton Howe, who investigates occurrences of this type worldwide, interviewed Michael Cremo about this new discovery. Cremo is a researcher and author of the book Forbidden Archaeology. Cremo, Howe said, has visited India and attended local meetings about the Cambay site.

"Within the past few months," Cremo told her, "the engineers began some dredging operations there and they pulled up human fossil bones, fossil wood, stone tools, pieces of pottery, and many other things that indicated that it indeed was a human habitation site that they had. And they were able to do more intensive sonar work there and were able to identify more structures. They appeared to have been laid out on the bank of a river that had been flowing from the Indian subcontinent out into that area."

According to Howe:

Even if we don't know what the cultural background of the people is, if it does happen to be a city that is 9500 years old, that is older than the Sumerian civilization by several thousand years. It is older than the Egyptian, older than the Chinese. So it would radically affect our whole picture of the development of urban civilization on this planet.

Now, if it further happens that additional research is able to identify the culture of the people who lived in that city that's now underwater — if it turns out they are a Vedic people, which I think is quite probable given the location of this off the coast of India — I think that would radically change the whole picture of Indian history which has basically been written by Western archaeologists.

Facts About You

The Scoop on Semen

$1 000 000 000 000.00 Coin

So, the American debt crisis...  Everyone's heard of it I'm sure.  If not, I just happen to have the U.S. National Debt Clock in real time, right here...

So, if you actually took the time to check out those numbers...  You would know there's a BIG problem going on.

In 1996 Congress passed a law (Clinton) allowing the U.S. Treasury to mint platnum coins.

This wouldn't be so bad, accept that these coins are worth 'face value'.  So basically it doesn't matter how much platinum is in the coin, if it reads 1 trillion dollars on it's face.  That's what it's worth.

Now that's a problem.

Who's to say the government wont just print these things off in the hundreds?  Solve their debt crisis in the blink of an eye.  No doubt the population would be thankful their country isn't dying anymore. 

However... Are they better off?  The government obviously, not the people.  (there are some LOVELY Americans out there)

Think about it this way, a Superpower who wants control of the nations at any cost. 

A country who fakes plane crashes, ignores national disasters, shoots up schools, irresponsible financially, motivated by military and well on their way to Marshal Law, who planned the J.F.K assassination among many others, chemical warfare etc.

So let's say these coins were to find their way into the bankers hands.  The U.S. could solve their crisis and print off enough to conquer the markets.  Automatically the United States would have ultimate control of not only the disgusting attack on their people, but who's to say they wont be able to buy out the world too.

Think about it people.  Money makes the world go green...  The man with the money is the man with control.

Do we want this government to have more money to burn? 

If they were my children, I'd be giving out some serious groundings and taking away their allowances until they start to learn some respect.

Friday 4 January 2013


Fall seven times; stand up eight.” – Japanese proverb
“You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.” – Joseph Campbell

“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb

“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” – Gandhi

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean

“All is flux, nothing stays still.” – Heraclitus

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

“I am tomorrow, or some future day, what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day.” – James Joyce

“I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow does that much better.” – Plutarch

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.” – Epicurus

“Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else” – Judy Garland

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” – Anne Frank

“The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven” – John Milton

“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.” – James Oppenheim

Coca Cola

First off let's talk about brand 

Well, now that that's over....

Space, The Final Frontier

 Cassiopeia Nebula

 Milky Way

American Wind Map

Real time wind map of America.

European Doorway

Beautiful doorway.

Earth Ships

I love this idea for a few reasons, first it's a sustainable green building.  Second, earth ship sounds like SPACE ship.  Third, it's fairly cheap to construct.  Fourth, NO BILLS.Heck yes.  I want.

Floating Staircase

Too cool, just too freaking cool.

Renovation Musts

Bachelor Pad

Multi-Functional bachelors pad.  Everything you could ever want, assuming you're not claustrophobic...

Magnificent Maisons

Victorian Cottage

A Love Of Colour

Amazon Home

Home In Stone

Portable Beach Hut

Luxury Villa

Frank L. Wright


Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York 1943

Egg Shell Tattoos

Scott Campbell inks the inside of ostrich eggs.